Protect your credit score

Protect your credit score.
When you apply for a mortgage, your lender checks your credit score to determine what kind of risk you are likely to be as a borrower. Your score can change from month to month, which is beneficial to you because it means you can improve your score with the right credit activities. Unfortunately, a low credit score can prevent you from getting the lowest mortgage rate, or from getting a mortgage at all. That’s why it’s so important to follow the basics for good credit score behavior, which include:
· Always paying your bills on time.
· If you need to carry a credit card or line of credit balance, try to always keep your accounts under 30% of your available credit limit.
· Before you cancel any credit cards, get advice.
· Don’t apply for credit you don’t need, including any store cards that give you the opportunity to save on your purchase that day!
Good credit is your passport to opportunities! So if you have any questions about your credit situation, please let me know.

-- SIncerely,
Kevin & Faye Kitzman
Sales Representatives
Remax Real Estate Centre
Direct : 519-577-0603
Faye Kitzman
Mortgage Agent
Mortgage Intelligence


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