Mortgage Checkup- Get a expert under the hood

MORTGAGE CHECKUP: Get an expert under the hood

You’ve got a mortgage. You’re making payments. You figure that you don’t have to look at it again until it’s time to renew, right?
Wrong. You should actually make a habit of getting an annual Mortgage Checkup. Make an appointment so we can check under the hood of your mortgage – to make sure everything’s working as it should. A few minor tweaks now could have your mortgage running much more efficiently, saving you a financial breakdown later or saving you thousands of dollars.
What do we look for in a mortgage checkup? There may be a way to structure your repayment –frequency or lump sum paydowns – that could shave thousands of dollars off your total interest.
Maybe you’re carrying some other consumer debt that could be transferred to your mortgage –to help you power down your debt with less interest.
Maybe you’re thinking ahead to a renovation project, a wedding, a vacation, or a few years of tuition bills. Your mortgage is generally your ticket to the best possible lending rates – and I can help you maximize your lending power with a debt reduction plan to keep your wealth-building plan on track!
Book a mortgage review and make sure your plan incorporates what may be ahead: it could pay big dividends!

-- Sincerely
Kevin & Faye Kitzman
Sales Representatives
Remax Real Estate Centre
Direct : 519-577-0603
Faye Kitzman
Mortgage Agent
Mortgage Intelligence


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